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MFA Update: New Publications, Public Readings, and More

Hello all! I'm nearing the end of my first semester at University of Miami, so here's a quick update as to what's been going on.

Firstly, I am now on the editorial staff for Sinking City, UM's literary magazine. We'll soon be sifting through submissions, so look out for the next issue of the mag in the near future.

Also, I have some new publications! Recently, my work showed up in the seventh issue of Pensive Journal. My poem, "Our Happy Absolution", is featured on page 56. You can read it online or download the edition by clicking here. Additionally, my first print publication will be available very soon from new words {press}. I will link to that once the mag goes live.

Lastly, I have to acknowledge the amount of amazing opportunities available in UM's MFA Creative Writing Program. I've had so many fruitful class discussions, craft talks with visiting writers, and public readings. My professors and cohort are exceptional artists, and I can already notice an improvement in my writing process.

Look forward to further news this spring semester! And if you'll be at AWP in February, I hope to see you there! Cheers,



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